Unit Outline II
System Functions


I.  Citizens

A.     Parochials

B.     Subjects

C.     Participants

II.   Political Socialization

A.     Definition

1.      how individuals form their political attitudes

2.      how citizens collectively form their political culture

3.      how children are introduced to the values of society

4.      ongoing process of cultural transmission

B.     Types of Socialization

1.      indirect/direct

2.      formal/informal

C.     Agents of Political Socialization

1.      the family

2.      schools

3.      religious institutions

4.      peers

5.      media

6.      interest groups

7.      political parties

8.      the state

III.  Interest Articulation

A.     Types of Systems

1.      Pluralist

2.      Consociational/Corporatist

3.      Controlled

B.     Interest Group Structure

1.      Legitimate Access

a.       Non-Associational

b.      Associational

c.       Institutional

d.      Individual Contacts

2.      Anomic (Illegitimate) Access

a.       Coercive

b.      Nonviolent

IV.   State Recruitment

A.     Elitist

B.     Inclusive/Exclusive

C.     Methods

1.      Election

2.      Cooption